
时间:2022-02-22 12:20:57




导演:Terence Nance 

类型:喜剧 英国 2012


【对彼之美的过度简化喜剧片观看小贴士】:[TS/TC:抢先非清晰版] [DVD:普通清晰版] [BD:蓝光高清无水印版] [HD:1080/720P高清版] - 其中,BD和HD为高清版,建议宽带2M以上的用户观看




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Overwhelming debut about the doubts of the director Nance about his relationship with a beautiful young woman. He combines personal experiences with fiction, documentary and various animation styles. A film filled with vulnerability and humour; enthusiasm leaps at you from the screen.   One evening in 2006, the young American filmmaker Terence Nance receives a phone call from the woman he had been trying to build up a relationship with for some time. She can’t come. He starts having his doubts. Why did she back out?   Open-hearted, sharp and playful, Nance tries in An Oversimplification of Her Beauty to trace all the elements of his feelings about the evening back to their true origins. Fantasies, feelings and memories roll over the screen in the form of documentary footage, live action and a wide range of animation styles. And in addition there are the inevitable questions that the maker must pose: How well does he know himself? Is he not being deceived by his own feelings?   For a phenomenon that everybody occasionally experiences, the starting point for An Oversimplification of Her Beauty is surprisingly seldom the subject of films. What goes on in your body as you experience emotions at a certain point? And how ‘sure’ is that moment really?
乐乐影院为您提供 《对彼之美的过度简化》 HD、BD、720p,1080p,1280p免费高清在线观看地址:http://www.wanggouchao.com/xijupian/142156.html,以及相关的剧情简介、演员、导演、幕后花絮、剧照、海报,豆瓣评论等信息。

热播剧: 9界线 喂!蜻蜓 世界倾斜23.5度 凡人修仙传 白暮的编年史 易普症 阿颂塔之死 小谢尔顿第七季 我独自生活 披荆斩棘的大小姐 双面骗子虚假警察第一季 名侦探柯南 微暗之火 搜查班长1958 怪兽8号 黑执事第四季 世子消失了 幸运的我们 不够善良的我们 七人的复活 莫斯科绅士 泪之女王 警察世家第十四季 帮帮我托德第二季 你好星期六 我们仨 笑动剧场 无血无泪 猎毒风云 好戏开场