永不畏惧 死囚的独白

时间:2020-12-30 23:02:04


状态:永不畏惧 死囚的独白剧情片免费在线观看全集/大结局

主演:Sammy Silverwatch Nick Yarris 

导演:David Sington 

类型:剧情 英国 2015


【永不畏惧 死囚的独白剧情片观看小贴士】:[TS/TC:抢先非清晰版] [DVD:普通清晰版] [BD:蓝光高清无水印版] [HD:1080/720P高清版] - 其中,BD和HD为高清版,建议宽带2M以上的用户观看




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问:剧情片《永不畏惧 死囚的独白》的演员表名单?
答:剧情片《永不畏惧 死囚的独白》是由Sammy,Silverwatch,Nick,Yarris等主演的
2015年上映,David,Sington执导,由Sammy,Silverwatch,Nick,Yarris等主演的永不畏惧 死囚的独白在英国发行,豆瓣评分和口碑都很不错,永不畏惧 死囚的独白手机在线观看等资源均是网络收集而来。《永不畏惧 死囚的独白》HD1280/HD1080p/BD720P/BD1080P//百度云蓝光高清版/在线观看,已被浏览40次。
After 23 years on Death Row, a convicted murderer petitions the court for his execution. As he tells his story directly to camera, you gradually realise that nothing is quite as clear-cut as it at first seemed. The Fear of 13 is a stylistically daring experiment in storytelling – in effect a one-man play. Part monologue, part confessional and part performance, the film is illustrated with hyper-stylised imagery contextualising a narrative as compelling as any crime drama and features a final, shocking twist that casts his life in a new light. The protagonist carries the film with his charisma and literary turn of phrase recounting his experiences on the wrong side of the law, but David Sington’s film is more than an account of one man’s incarceration; it is both a damning indictment of the US penal system and an emotional meditation on the redemptive power of love and literature.
乐乐影院为您提供 《永不畏惧 死囚的独白》 HD、BD、720p,1080p,1280p免费高清在线观看地址:http://www.wanggouchao.com/juqingpian/59514.html,以及相关的剧情简介、演员、导演、幕后花絮、剧照、海报,豆瓣评论等信息。
观看完《永不畏惧 死囚的独白》之后感觉Sammy,Silverwatch,Nick,Yarris的演技不错吧,您可以搜索演员名继续观看他们的其它影片!

热播剧: 6秒钟的轨迹~烟花师望月星太郎的第二个忧郁 花咲舞无法沉默第三季 反恐特警组第七季 惊人的星期六 认识的哥哥 功夫乒乓 彩色的荣耀·手艺人大会第二季 那个重逢的夜晚 眉间雪 小兵传奇 微暗之火 风月无边 披荆斩棘的大小姐 偷得将军半日闲 心动倒计时 猎金叛途 过招 我的神使大人 花儿与少年·好友记 奔跑吧第八季 白暮的编年史 万春逗笑社 同情者 群星闪耀时 天真时间 怪兽8号 黑执事第四季 世子消失了 被夺走的我们 23号灯塔第二季